We delve back into the world of Incision with its highly anticipated second issue, "Answers & Allies," created by Jay Red and Billy Diamond Jr. This installment continues the story of our protagonist, Frank Bergen (also known as Incision), who is hiding in a remote area of the Westland territories just outside Las Vegas. Unbeknownst to him, he can be tracked as a Jack through the viral signature he emits. We are reintroduced to the enigmatic woman from the first issue, Sophia Rocha (also known as Counterforce), who possesses a helmet that enables her to track Jacks and even manipulate their abilities to some extent. Following a poorly handled confrontation between the two, both Frank and Sophia quickly recognize the mutual benefit of joining forces to unravel the mysteries shrouding each of their pasts. Upon arriving in Las Pleromas, a platform city off the West Coast known to be a haven for Jacks, they quickly stumble upon another person emitting the same signature Counterforce tracked in Incision. This time, the encounter becomes a bit more intense and chaotic. Only time will reveal the individuals responsible for the chaos in the lives of both Counterforce and Incision.
Incision's creative team stays intact with scripting by the duo: Jay Red and Billy Diamond Jr, art, design, and lettering by Jay Red, coloring by Maja Opacic, and Page Flatting by Tom Adimos. The artwork in the second issue maintains the homage to the 90s art style, with vibrant colors and bold lines that are consistent with the aesthetic established in the first issue. Issue Two was an engaging read, sparking more questions than answers. However, it provided some insight into the mysterious past of Incision and hinted at the direction the story is taking. Issue Two not only maintains the high quality of Issue One but also paves the way for something even more impactful. Readers will be eager to uncover the identity of the main antagonist in issue three, understand the cause of Incision's blackouts, and discover the events that occur during these mysterious blackout periods.
Get ready for the sharp launch of Issue Two, set to be unleashed on Kickstarter in August 2024! Unleash the potential and don't miss the opportunity to click on this link to read our review of Issue One